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The Ride

By @Pionmycake

Ruins - Start
We board our jeep (an EMV, more details can be found in the ride system section) from within an ancient ruined building for our tour of the ruins here on the outskirts of Rome. Our tour starts off very smooth, but you start to notice the eyes on statues and paintings follow us. A statue comes to life and opens a gate sending us up a lift hill surrounded in golden light.

Lifthill into Olympus - Jupiter/Juno
While riding up the hill, everything becomes much more grand and we can hear Jupiter's voice (a celebrity will voice Jupiter so his voice will be recognizable for later in the ride. I would recommend Liam Neeson, but budget and availability will be the deciding factors on who is chosen). Jupiter warns, "Do not be startled, I am Jupiter, ruler of the gods, bringing you to Olympus. We are in grave danger. Saturn, the king of the Titans, will rise and destroy Rome if the dodechahedra is not returned to its rightful place. You must hurry with it to the heart of the city!" We complete the hill and make a quick turn through Olympus. We see Jupiter and Juno standing beside him, as Animatronics. Jupiter says "Be warned! The dodechahedra is a powerful artifact, many gods and monsters will be after you trying to take it! No, go!"









River of monster - Neptune
We exit Olympus and follow a mountain road. We come to a bridge with a short waterfall on one side and a river on the other. A Neptune Animatronic rises out from above the waterfall on our side. "You fools try to sneak the cursed object past me, Neptune, god of the sea! I guess I'll have to let the monsters along this river teach you a lesson!" While he says that second sentence, the bridge "breaks" and the riders start floating down the river using the technology discussed in the Ride Vehicle section.












We float down a roaring river past all sorts of sea monsters (mostly simple motion figures). At the end of the river, we come to the whirlpool, Charibdis. Forced perspective is used to make it look much bigger than it really is. We try to float around it, but out from the darkness emerges the six headed beast, Scylla! Scylla "pushes" our boat into the whirlpool! We slide down a flume right through the center into the Underworld!










Underworld - Pluto
Our river we are riding along is now implied to be the river Styx. As we travel down the underworld river, we pass by the gates to Elysium, a paradise, with a sign nearby that reads "Elysium, the final testing place for true heroes." Next, we pass by the gates to Tartarus, a horrid pit with a Dark aura emanating, with a sign that reads "Tartarus, the final resting place for the evil of the world." Lastly, we come to the end of the river next to a Pluto animatronic.











No, not that pluto. Pluto, the Roman god of the dead.














"You aren't supposed to be here yet," he says with an eerily calm voice. His voice almost reminds you of an office worker. He isn't angry, or evil. He is simply doing his job. You are just a folder placed in the wrong filing cabinet (Think of Toffee from Star Vs. The Forces of Evil as an example of the voice Pluto has, except less sinister). "Not yet at least. Get back to the surface and try to enjoy the rest of your short, mortal lives." The vehicles dock as he speaks so the car can start traveling along land again. We exit through cave back up a short hill into the streets of Rome.

Roman Streets- Mars
Rome is eerily empty and quiet. Until you hear a booming, powerful voice, "Bringing that object here is an act of war. I should know, I am the god of war after all." We turn a corner to see a Mars animatronic.






















He speaks again, but this time not to us. "Armies of the fallen who have died in my name, arise once more to smite these foolish mortals." Skelton soldiers begin to pop up all around us as we rush through Rome. Most are either simple animatronics or projection effects. There are a lot on either side "attacking" the jeep as we weave through the narrow streets of Rome making for a thrilling climax to the ride!

Eventually, we hear the familiar voice of Jupiter from the beginning (coming from on board speakers), "Mars, stay your weapon! These mortals are fated to complete their journey here."

Mars himself swings a sword at us from above, but our car goes down a small hill underneath him and dodges. We are in a dark tunnel when we see a light appear. We see the Dodechahedra in its rightful place! We did it! Twinkling lights fill the room as our jeep returns to the loading platform. We hear one last message from Jupiter, "You have saved Rome. You are all true heroes." Now, it is time to exit the vehicles and return to the World Showcase.

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